Login with NAVER: Now in WSO2 Identity Server —
WSO2 Identity Server는 이제 NAVER로 로그인을 지원합니다.
NAVER Co., Ltd. is the South Korea’s largest web search engine, as well as a global ICT brand that provides services including LINE messenger, currently with over 200 million users from around the world, the SNOW video app, and the digital comics platform NAVER WEBTOON.
In simple terms, NAVER is the next-gen Google in South Korea.
The latest WSO2 Identity Server 5.10.0 and above now has few easy steps to integrate Login With NAVER. You can easily integrate a scenario like “ Login to your single-page web application with Naver and perform all the authorization with WSO2 Identity Server”
You can achieve this with a few 4 easy steps.
Step 1: Add connectors for Naver to WSO2 Identity Server dropins and restart
Note: NAVER connector is not yet added to the WSO2 Connector store. But this is freely available in Git-Hub. So follow the below links to deploy the connectors
- Download the latest released Naver connector from https://github.com/wso2-extensions/identity-outbound-auth-naver/releases
- To support the integration you need to add the Oauth2 connector as well. So Download the matching OAuth2.0 connector from https://github.com/wso2-extensions/identity-outbound-auth-oauth2/releases
- Put these two jars to the IS-HOME/repository/components/dropins folder.
Note: You can add Naver connector to the dropins folder and OAuth2 Connector to the IS-HOME/repository/components/libs folder. This will do the same, but you can not see OAuth2 connector UI in the Identity Provider’s configuration list.
- Restart the server to apply UI changes.
Step 2: Create a sample application in Naver
- For this, you need to have an official Naver account
- Register an application in Naver through —
- Follow the steps in application registration and fill the necessary information
* App Name and Application usage details.
* Upload an image that you wish to use as the company logo.
- Click on Registration. You will get your client-id and secret which you can use in WSO2 Identity Server as shown below.
Step 3: Add NAVER Identity Provider in WSO2 Identity Provider’s list
- Add Identity Provider call Naver in WSO2 Identity Server
- Put Client_id, secret and call-back URL and configure the Naver configuration details as shown below.
- Click on Register to create the Identity Provider
Step 4: Add the service provider or single page application you need to log in with NAVER
- Register a service provider with an inbound protocol you preferred like OAuth2/OIDC or SAML.
- Next, in the Local & Outbound Authentication configuration select Naver( The IDP you created in step2) as the Federated Authentication mechanism.
- Click update.
By doing this you are good to login to your application with Naver. The video below will clearly give an idea on the whole flow.
Hope you enjoyed my blog and video!!!
Let’s meet from another blog with a video :)